Advice for an Order Damaged in Transit
Here is our Advice for an Order Damaged in Transit
The words ‘Damage in Transit’ are never nice. It means somebody is going to be unhappy and thats not what we want for our customers. We mostly use FEDEX & DPD couriers who are aware of the nature of our products and that they need to be handle carefully. However if you do see a problem when signing for a product here is our Advice for an Order Damaged in Transit.
We do appreciate that due to the size and shape of the boxes we send to our customers, that they may be vulnerable to damage in transit by the couriers. In the still very unlikely event that this happens to your order then you must report this within 24hours of you receiving the item.
This leaves enough time for our dedicated staff to claim on the couriers insurance. If your order item is not repaired by us sending replacement parts then Kids Electric Cars will arrange for a replace of the entire item, of course at our own discretion.